Anti-Racist Actions For This Time of Turmoil

Hello again, beloved YRUUP community.

This is a hard time of grief and fear for a lot of us. In the light of the deaths of George Floyd, Tony Mcdade, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, and so many others, many of us may be feeling anger, sadness, desolation, and many other feelings about a system built to harm so many of us. So, I, for one, have been asking myself- what can I do? What needs to be done? What CAN be done? While there is no one way to heal, and one conclusive answer, here are some ideas.

If you have time/ physical ability:  

  • Protest! Take your masks, social distance, but take to the streets and show your support for BIPOC against a system built to keep them under white supremacy.

If you have money:

If you have social media:

  • Boost messages of support, solidarity, and need! Lift up BIPOC voices especially, they have been being oppressed in America for the past 400 years and it’s time others started listening.

Remember to take care of yourselves and others around you.

Much love and many blessings,

Fennel Schubert (SPAC,) he/him or they/them

YRUUP Council